Донорларды қабылдау: күн сайын 8:30-дан 14:00-ге дейін


Dear colleagues!

We express our deepest respect to you and invite you to take part in the III Eurasian Congress “Actual issues of the development of blood donation”, which will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan, from April 4 to 7, 2018.

Congress will be held at: Rixos President Astana hotel, Dinmukhamed Kunaev street, 7, Astana, Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the congress is to discuss topical issues of transfusion medicine, blood donation, development of international cooperation in innovative directions of blood service, applied research and introduction of best practices in the field of blood transfusion.

Preliminary Congress program : 

Main directions of the congress:

  • Actual issues and problems of development of     unpaid blood donation;
  • New opportunities for the procurement of blood components, testing of blood donors;
  • Ensuring the safety of donated blood and its components;
  • Use of components of donor blood, based on evidence;
  • Informatization of processes in the blood service;
  • Donor register and stem cell transplantation for tumor diseases of the blood system.

Official language of the congress: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Forms of participation:

  • Reports,
  • publication of the thesis,
  • listener

Plenary speeches and reports of the session are determined by the Organizational Committee

Duration of speeches: Report – 20 minutes.

Key dates:

Registration of conference participants:

Start of registration : registration is open;

End of registratione: April 1, 2018.

The deadline for applications, abstracts      and reports is 4 March 2018.

Materials received after March 4, 2018., The organizing Committee will not be considered.


For participation in the Congress payment is not charged.

Attention of authors:

Аpplications for participation should be sent to the following e-mail address: 3ect2018@gmail.com

The sample of application here : https://spct.kz/wp-content/uploads/Application-for-participation-in-the-III-Eurasian-Congress-Заявка-на-участие-в-III-Евразийском-конгрессе.docx

Theses should be sent to the following  e-mail address: omninpct16@mail.ru

Theses are accepted in the official languages of the congress (Kazakh, Russian, English).

Theses are published in edition without additional changes. Authors are fully responsible for   the content of thesis.

The Organizing Committee of the Congress reserves the right to reject the theses that do not meet the requirements.

Accepted materials are not returned.

Requirements to the thesis:

Main text

Theses should be sent in the Word format (.doc or .docx); an interval – unary; font – Times New Roman, a size 12. The  text shouldn’t exceed 350 words. Theses   should include  a  title page  containing information  about  each  author  (full name and surname, location, position, academic degree, telephone and e-mail, the form of participation       and the title of the report or the poster). The author’s last name should be marked with   superscript (1).

The thesis should be divided into sections, including the following sections: introduction, methods,    results and conclusions.

The thesis has to   be submitted   in   official  languages of a conference.

Texts of theses shouldn’t contain drawings, tables, lists of references.

As the file name use a  surname and name of the author. For example: Ivanov F.doc.

Name the file by the surname of the first author

Example of abstracts: https://spct.kz/wp-content/uploads/1111.docx


Abbreviations have to be given  in  brackets after their first mention in the text. standard units of measure don’t need an explanation.


Mereke Ashikbayeva: +77757992488,

email: omninpct16@mail.ru

Diana Zhumasheva: +7 7752130008


The application for participation should be fill out with the name of  one authors of scientific work.

Hotels for accommodation:

In connection with the Congress, we offer the following hotels for accommodation

  1. «Rixos President Astana» (for participants of the Congress are sent a promo code for entering to page with a special prices) link to page of Rixos: http://presidentastana.rixos.com/
  2. «Duman»(LLP A – Service Management) (for participants of the Congress are sent a promo code for entering to page with a special prices) link to page of Duman; http://www.hoteldumanastana.com/
  3. «Hilton Garden Inn Astana» link to the form: https://spct.kz/wp-content/uploads/HGI-Free-Booking-Form_III-Евразийскийконгресстрансфузиологов_Apr_2018.pdf

For participants of Congress shuttle service will be provided

Yours faithfully,

Organising Committee


